13th February 10, 08:32 PM
I shoveled snow for five days straight.
Then it became a pain in the...
Literally -- a muscle injury to my gluteous medius.
Beware the ides of March, nuts. I'm looking forward to it.
[FONT="Georgia"][B][I]-- Larry B.[/I][/B][/FONT]
13th February 10, 09:42 PM
Lots of snow here! We got another 10" or so last night, so I've been up since 7 am shovelling and snowblowing out my customers driveways and sidewalks. I still have another 7 or 8 to do tomorrow. I really don't mind the snow. Snow = $$$$$ for me, pennies from heaven if you will.
13th February 10, 10:24 PM
We have about a foot of snow here. it snowed a little bit more today though.
The Fish Whisperer®
That which does not kill us makes us stronger.
14th February 10, 03:14 AM
14th February 10, 04:34 AM
3 inches on Saturday a week ago, then 6 more on Tuesday here in Louisville, KY. Roads are clear but still haven't gotten the driveway cleaned yet.
14th February 10, 05:28 AM
Ern, we've had around 2 feet here in my area, which is nothing close to your accumulation. But, I did hear, on the radio, that it is more than the total snowfall for the last 10 years. More is predicted for Monday. My yard, right now is a mixture of white snow and red Amelia County mud. My truck stays in four wheel drive until I hit the first hard surface road. A few days I've gad to stay in 4x mode for nearly 4 miles. Amelia has the most modern and
"GREEN" snow removal system in the state, "Solar Powered". It is also known as "What God has Dumped, he can remove."
"A day spent in the fields and woods, or on the water should not count as a day off our allotted number upon this earth."
Jerry, Kilted Old Fart.
14th February 10, 06:10 AM
 Originally Posted by davedove
I work at Ft. Detrick and it didn't open all week. Also, US 340 running southwest of Frederick was closed for a long time as they plowed through 20 foot drifts. 
My facility was open all week.
14th February 10, 12:06 PM
Just returned from working a 1/2 shift at Wally World. The store has yet to open up to the public. This is the 6th day closed.
I had a chance to talk to the supervisor of one of the crews getting the snow off the roof. He said the snow was 37" high before they hit ice! He has a crew of 50 roofers were from Pittsburg and there is a crew of 30 from Michigan. A third crew was to arrive today.
Each day, the rumor goes the store is going to open in 2 hours, then after 2 hours, the rumor again says two hours the store is to open! Actually inside the store never looked so good, well stocked and clean. Just have to ignore the cracks in the walls and few water buckets!
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