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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Dunkirk and the 51st Highland Division

    Yesterday was Memorial Day for us in the USA. However, it is also nigh the anniversary of the evacuation of Dunkirk. The 51st Highland Division played a crucial role in allowing so many Allied soliders to escape, but at a horrific price.



  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Thank you for assisting us in remembering.

    Si Deus, quis contra? Spence and Brown on my mother's side, Johnston from my father, proud member of Clan MacDuff!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    23rd May 06
    Far NW Corner of Washington State, USA (48° 45' 51.5808" N / -122° 30' 36.6228" W)
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    For anyone interested here's an older, closed thread that discussed a mural about St Valery, Dunkirk & the 51st HD:

    The Kilts of Dunkirk
    [SIZE="2"][FONT="Georgia"][COLOR="DarkGreen"][B][I]T. E. ("TERRY") HOLMES[/I][/B][/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE]
    [SIZE="1"][FONT="Georgia"][COLOR="DarkGreen"][B][I]proud descendant of the McReynolds/MacRanalds of Ulster & Keppoch, Somerled & Robert the Bruce.[/SIZE]
    [SIZE="1"]"Ah, here comes the Bold Highlander. No @rse in his breeks but too proud to tug his forelock..." Rob Roy (1995)[/I][/B][/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE]

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    ...and following their surrender and transfer to an Austrian Castle as prisoners of war, the officers devised a Scottish Country Dance , which became known as The Reel of the 51st Division. This kept up moral and had as part of the dance a pattern based on the saltire of the regimental badge. SCDancers will know the dance well.
    Schiehallion kilted and true

  5. #5
    Join Date
    23rd May 06
    Far NW Corner of Washington State, USA (48° 45' 51.5808" N / -122° 30' 36.6228" W)
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    Lest We Forget...

    51st Highland Division surrender at St. Valery-en-Caux.
    12th June 1940

    L/Cpl James Wilson (A&SH's), one of the three escapees
    who spoke Gaelic to evade capture at St Valéry.

    The 51st Highland Division Pipe Band at Oflag VII
    B Prisoner of War camp, Eichstett, Germany, 3 June 1943.

    St Valéry Memorial 1950

    The Beaches Of St Valéry

    It was in 1940 the last days of Spring
    We were sent to the Maginot line
    A fortress in France built to halt the advance of an army from a different time
    For we were soon overrun out-fought and outgunned
    Pushed further back every day
    But we never believed high command would leave us
    So we fought every inch of the way
    Till the 51st Highlanders found themselves on the banks of the Somme one more time
    It still bore the scars of that war to end wars
    The old soldiers scars deep in their minds
    But we couldn't stay long for the Panzers rolled on
    And the battle raged west towards the sea
    Then on June the 10th when sapped of all strength
    I entered St Valéry


    And all I recall was the last boat leavin!
    My brother on board waving and calling to me
    And the Jocks stranded there wi' their hands in the air
    On the beaches of St Valéry
    So I huddled all night in a hammered old house
    As the shells and the bullets rained down
    Next morning at dawn my hope was still strong
    For we moved to the beach from the town
    But the boat that had left on the day we arrived
    Was the only one we'd ever see
    And with no ammo or food we had done all we could
    So we surrendered at St Valéry


    When I returned at the end of the war
    From the stalag where I'd been confined
    I read of the battles the allies had fought
    Stalingrad, Alamein, and the Rhine
    Wi' pride in their hearts people spoke of Dunkirk where defeat had become victory
    But nobody mentioned the Highland Division
    They'd never heard of St Valéry


    No stories no statues for those that were killed
    No honours for those that were caught
    Just a deep sense of shame as though we were to blame
    Though I knew in my heart we were not.
    So I've moved to a country I've come to call home
    But my homeland is far o'er the sea
    I will never return while my memories still burn
    On the beaches of St Valéry
    [SIZE="2"][FONT="Georgia"][COLOR="DarkGreen"][B][I]T. E. ("TERRY") HOLMES[/I][/B][/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE]
    [SIZE="1"][FONT="Georgia"][COLOR="DarkGreen"][B][I]proud descendant of the McReynolds/MacRanalds of Ulster & Keppoch, Somerled & Robert the Bruce.[/SIZE]
    [SIZE="1"]"Ah, here comes the Bold Highlander. No @rse in his breeks but too proud to tug his forelock..." Rob Roy (1995)[/I][/B][/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE]

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    As the descendant of a Scot who also left his blood on a French beach.. a different one, called Dieppe.

    That darn near brought tears to my eyes, probably would have if I was't sitting at my desk at work.


  7. #7
    Join Date
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    thanks for this post
    my grandfather was a rear guard gunner who was captured at st valery and these past few days ive been making sure my family's children remember the deeds there great grandfather did for this country

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Thank you

    Thank you for remembering those heros who have made our present life what it is.

    Si Deus, quis contra? Spence and Brown on my mother's side, Johnston from my father, proud member of Clan MacDuff!

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