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  1. #1
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    Confederate Memorial

    I'm considering ordering a Confederate Memorial tartan kilt (amongst others), mainly because I like the color combination and pattern. Other than the fact that I now live in the South, I can claim no connection to the Sons of the South. My ancestors weren't even on this continent during the conflict.

    I'm going to defer to the hive mentality here. Would wearing this tartan be considered disrespectful?

  2. #2
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    I've always struggled to see the rational nexus between the attire of the Scottish Highlands and the American Civil War. Do you have any familial ties to Scotland? If you don't have a connection to any Scottish "clan" tartans, I'd consider a "universal" Scottish tartan or a US state tartan.


  3. #3
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    As a southerner, I see no difference in wearing this tartan from wearing another clan's tartan. Just know what the tartan represents and wear it with respect. On my father's side of the family, I'm a second generation Scots Irish immigrant. But my mother's family (Gordons)has a long history in the south. I can't say for sure that they go all of the way back to "The War of Northern Aggression" but I was raised as a southerner and I'm proud of it.
    "A day spent in the fields and woods, or on the water should not count as a day off our allotted number upon this earth."
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  4. #4
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    I'd consider that move too, I have ancestors who fought for the CSA. And I myself reenact. But I think the operative part here is memorial, you don't have to be closely related to it in order to commemorate it.

    Do you know anything of the history for this tartan? I'd love to know the circumstances of its origin.

  5. #5
    macwilkin is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by davidlpope View Post
    I've always struggled to see the rational nexus between the attire of the Scottish Highlands and the American Civil War. Do you have any familial ties to Scotland? If you don't have a connection to any Scottish "clan" tartans, I'd consider a "universal" Scottish tartan or a US state tartan.

    The only "real" one of course is the 79th New York, a Federal Infantry regiment, which wore the Cameron of Erracht tartan. While I have read of at least one antebellum Southern Highland militia unit, I have yet to find any documentation for Highland kit as part of its uniform.

    I seem to remember this tartan being designed for a member of the SCV.

    As the proud desecendant of Western Mudsills who fought for the Union, I wouldn't wear it, but I wouldn't besmirch those who do.


  6. #6
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    I JUST sent out a kilt in that tartan 3 days ago. Any kiltmaker who has an account with Dalgliesh can get the tartan in 16 oz fabric (I am pretty sure they have some in stock right now in 16 oz).

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by cajunscot View Post
    The only "real" one of course is the 79th New York, a Federal Infantry regiment. While I have read of at least one antebellum Southern Highland militia unit, I have yet to find any documentation for Highland kit as part of its uniform.

    I seem to remember this tartan being designed for a member of the SCV.

    As the proud desecendant of Western Mudsills who fought for the Union, I wouldn't wear it, but I would besmirch those who do.

    In my reenacting experience, its fairly common to see Glengarries worn around, but generally speaking you don't see organized Scots units or kilts. Or pipes. Which is a shame really.

    Hope you meant "wouldn't" besmirch those who do.

    Otherwise I and my Ramsay ancestors from Tennessee will have to be a wee bit offended.

  8. #8
    macwilkin is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by L. Ramsay View Post
    In my reenacting experience, its fairly common to see Glengarries worn around, but generally speaking you don't see organized Scots units or kilts. Or pipes. Which is a shame really.

    Hope you meant "wouldn't" besmirch those who do.

    Otherwise I and my Ramsay ancestors from Tennessee will have be a wee bit offended.
    The 79th New York was a pre-war NY state militia unit that did wear Highland kit as part of their uniform. Historians are still debating how much of that kit was worn by the regiment during the War itself.

    I was a reenactor for over 10 years, as well as an interpretation ranger for NPS at a Civil War Battlefield, so yes, I am quite aware of reenactors wearing "farby" glengarries. A much more accurate way to display Scottish heritage is to carry a period copy of Burns poems, as one of my Mudsill ancestors did.

    When I first started reenacting, I fell for all the ethnic displays, but soon discovered in research that unless portraying an ethnic unit, where such open displays of ethnicity would be welcomed, most immigrants would not have been so zealous in their displays due to the wrath of "native Americans".

    Note the corrected post, as I am far more worried about my wife and her NOLA Creole ancestors who served in Louisiana regiments.

    Last edited by macwilkin; 9th June 10 at 08:34 PM.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by L. Ramsay View Post
    . . .Do you know anything of the history for this tartan? I'd love to know the circumstances of its origin.
    Click here.

  10. #10
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    Oh, don't even get me started with farby reenactors! I could go off on that one all day. Things like coolers in the tents and sneakers worn by the fresh fish... *shudders*

    Wouldn't do to have the wife mad!

    Nice to see a fellow history buff on here, I think I'll feel right at home.

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