My wife sent this to me and she kept saying "No, no, no!!!" I don't know why?!?!?!? Chris Shepherd
I have to show this to my wife. She'll never complain about me buying Johnny Walker Blue again....I hope.
The grass is greener on the other side of the fence...and it's usually greenest right above the septic tank. Allen
I don't want to be a killjoy for the lucky new owner- but this whisky was stored in a crystal decanter? That usually meant lead glass just a few years ago (and probably still does), and if so after all these years the whisky would have a seriously high level of lead contamination. Mind you, I'm not saying I wouldn't drink it in a good cause.
Ha! And you'd have enough left over for the $25000 sundae as well :-)
Lead, shmead. I'd risk it and drink it anyway. I only plan on doing this once and sliding into my final berth about 30 minutes late, overweight with a Heath bar in one hand and a Single Malt in the other is the way I want to do it!
I've found that most relationships work best when no one wears pants.
I was @ the local Scotch tasting for The Macallan and the host mentioned this was for a charity to bring water to those who needed around the world. Interesting to see the end result. The Scotch was recently put into the container, so I'm sure it's still ok - and I'm sure the new owner will drink it up
Love that story!!
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