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  1. #81
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    cling wrap, cello tape, and tea bags...

    Quote Originally Posted by Jock Scot View Post
    Mr TETLEY was a Scot? Oh dear, how to ruin a cup of tea in one easy go with those damn teabags!
    The tea bag is, in my not so humble opinion, one of the greatest inventions, ever. Especially if living or traveling in the USA where the ability to obtain a decent cup of tea is about as rare as rocking horse droppings. All you do is ask your server for an empty tea pot. Then ripping open the tea bag (in much the same way Sepoys were asked to rip open cartridges, but without quite the same knock on effect) one dumps the pre-measured contents into the pot and sends it back for water straight from the espresso maker, and viola! a cuppa.

    Much easier than carting around a box of loose tea.

  2. #82
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    Ruin? It’s the only way to make tea!
    The fear of the Lord is a fountain of life.
    [Proverbs 14:27]

  3. #83
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    With tongue placed firmly in cheek and with a good pinch of salt (with which it is to be taken) my vote is for the esteemed Craig Ferguson! Never before has an “uncomfortable vaudevillian who talks to paid hobos every night” done so much to help the world see the humor and work ethic of the Scottish people. His personal story of addiction and redemption has helped me personally as has his humor so perhaps I’m a bit biased.

  4. #84
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    If we aren't limited to Scots in Scotland ( and as on this site know, the "disapora" far outnumbers those still in Scotland), then another name ( beside Tommy Douglas) that I'd throw into this "ring", would be: Dr. Norman Bethune ( who came from a prominent Scottish Canadian family).
    waulk softly and carry a big schtick

  5. #85
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    MacMillan’s use of the word ruin calls to mind a TV commercial flighted over several years in South Africa, part of a series promoting a chocolate product called Cadbury’s Lunch Bar.
    All of them featured kilted characters. In this particular one, a Scot is seen munching on a Lunch Bar while his mate comments on the qualities of the product, with his “chawcolit, carramel and toasty rice”. The muncher agrees, and his mate asks: “Can ah have a wee bite, then?”
    The response: “Now you’ve ruined the friendship!”

    Another in the series shows a day at the Highland games, with men “pushing” at a rope for the tug of war, tossing the caber and other items. A black man in a kilt and diced tam-o’shanter shines at the various events, and is eventually asked: “What kind of a Mac are you?”
    Biting on his Lunch Bar, he proclaims: “I’m a Makhatini from Marritzburrah!”
    (Pietermaritzburg, capital of Natal, has been known informally as Maritzburg since the 19th century – and occasionally in jest as Maritzburgh.)
    The fear of the Lord is a fountain of life.
    [Proverbs 14:27]

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