
As one of my favorite sports is biting off more than I can chew i have enbarked on another massive quest.

I would like to put togeather, as best I can, a comprehensive list of all the Pipes and Drums that have served the US military.

I think most all of them can be catagorized in one of 4 areas
-College [USCC Pipes and Drums, VMI, Citadel, USNA...]
-Active Duty [6th Army Pipes and Drums, 3 Sqd 7th Cav...]
-Reserve (Territiorial Army for my British friends) [Air Force Reserve, Coast Guard Auxiliary...]
-Memorial [Leatherneck Pipes and Drums]

So an example would be my band...

Name: United States Corps of Cadets Pipes and Drums
Tartan: West Point Tartan
Year Founded: 1972
Catagory: College, Army
Status: Active
Useful Links: http://http://www.facebook.com/?ref=...s/48334632733/
Notes: Just chat about the band or who may know more about them.

One of the more heated and troublesome arguments i see on this forum is the debate over where kilts and pipes stand in the US armed forces. This will not resolve that debate but at least we will have a better picture of our history. I want to answer questions like...

Was the band scotish or irish based?
Did they do british or american foot drill?
How long did they exist? [And why are they gone if applicable?]
Who started the band?

I think that this will be a fun experiment and will let the current generation of US military pipers and drummers gain a better understanding of our history.