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    Homemade RUM!!!!! The best summer ever

    First, before anyone asks, yes I have a license for this. I'm hoping to turn this from a hobby into a legitimate side income, then hopefully grow it into my primary income. I'm still in the first few steps of doing this... and have only produced a few gallons so far.

    I've created two varieties. One sipping rum, and one mixing rum.

    Here's the sipping rum in the middle. The other two carboys are some beers I'm playing with.

    It's a very simple recipe that turns out exceptionally smooth rum that, even unspiced, is very drinkable after only aging.

    This experiment answered a lot of questions I had. It turned out smooth rum is ridiculously easy to create, and getting a repeatable, good tasting recipe happened much faster than I thought (I guessed 18 months of continuous experimenting... it took me 1 attempt).

    But spicing, that's a different story altogether. My first spice experiment was a complete failure. While I'm pretty handy in the kitchen and can make up spice combinations on a whim, rum spices don't work the same way for me. I over estimated some spices, underestimated others, and what I ended up with was something that smelled like ridiculously strong sangria, and all you could taste was cinnamon. Unfortunately at that stage, nothing could salvage it, and no one wanted to drink it.

    So we decided a simpler approach was needed. So after I let it age in a small American oak cask I have, I made some caramel and threw that in, let some whole vanilla beans soak in there for a while, and I ended up with this:

    Odd angle because I was trying to get the light to shine through it.

    PERFECT coloring, nearly perfect flavor (the vanilla was just a touch strong). This occurred over the 4th of July, and when everyone heard I had rum I wanted tasted, it turned into a little block party. Before I knew it, everyone was sauced and happy, and every drop I had was gone. My neighbors who don't even drink rum were drinking it straight out of the glass.. no mixing at all. The next day, after everyone's hangover had subsided, I had several requests for more rum.

    I've got about a gallon aging right now for my wedding next week. If it goes over as well there as it did over the 4th of July, I think I've got a real winner.

    But, In the wide world of Rum, not many people drink the stuff straight. Bacardi even had those commercials encouraging you to mix it with something. This is because, in general, it's too harsh, and needs to be cut. As much as I enjoy a good rum, even I don't drink Captain Morgan or Sailor Jerry unless it's mixed. So, the search started for a flagship rum. Cheaper to produce (the sipping rum requires a very specific ingredient, which I can only find in California, and the shipping is atrocious. It's more expensive across the board to create), and meant to be mixed. So that led me to this stuff here:

    That's after 1 day of fermenting. When I first put it in there, it was black as molasses. The interesting thing about that particular recipe, is it's fairly unique. The knowledge base for distilling is fairly small, since it's illegal in all 50 states without a license. Compare it to something like beer, where it's legal to produce more than a man can drink in a year in your basement, and it's almost as if no one makes their own rum at all. I spent a LOT of time researching various recipes and found 99% of them look like this: Blackstrap Molasses + Sugar. Done. It took weeks to finally come up with something a bit different, and I even used a different strain of yeast than most people probably would.

    After some time in the American Oak, here's what came out:

    The left is straight aged, the right has a bit of caramel added.

    This stuff has about the right harshness if I compared it to other base rums, and after aging, it had some pretty good flavors. The caramel cut the harshness a tad, and it seems about right for mixing.

    The problem I've run into with this, is all the people I know who drink rum aren't terribly brand loyal. As long as their soda has some alcoholic beverage mixed in it, they don't care if it's bacardi, Captain Morgan, Sailor Jerry, or Kracken. So the tastings so far have been, "Yeah, it's good," or "Yep, tastes like rum." This one is sellable IMO, but I think we'd have to weigh pretty heavily on our marketing plan (which is pretty good, if I must say so myself ) to get it to go.

    So, that was my epic summer of Rum. It'll cap off with my epic highland wedding, featuring a gallon of the good stuff. If there's any left, I'll see about staging a kilt night so the local Rabble can try some as well.

    EDIT: Forgot to add. I cut all the rum down to 90 proof. Straight out of the still it's usually around 150-160, and that's the absolute lowest I can go. I originally was shooting for about 140 proof.
    Last edited by Teufel Hunden; 11th August 11 at 09:21 AM.

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