I guess now I'll have to post pics of our newest addition, a Lab puppy named Gracie.
The long story is that I had a Lab named Maggie for many years, even before my wife and I were dating. We met, married, had kids, all the while Maggie was a part of it. My son never knew a time without Maggie. Then, two and a half years ago, she died peacefully in her sleep. We waited until after we'd bought a house and moved to bring another dog into the family. This past Sunday afternoon, Gracie came along. My son, Ben, was positively dumbstruck when we told him that Maggie used to be this small. My daughter, Alex, just knows "Puppy!"
Now let's see if I can post pics or need to get my wife to help this poor Luddite.
I wish I believed in reincarnation. Where's Charles Martel when you need him?