Quote Originally Posted by Phil View Post
Like anywhere else, this site has its fair share of over-opinionated individuals who never miss the opportunity to impose their opinions on everyone else, right or wrong. I mean what is the point of having an opinion otherwise? OK so they don't like white hose, or buckle brogues, or lace jabots, or long kilts, or short kilts, or utlilikilts, or..or..but that means absolutely nothing whatsoever if you happen to like them - any of them. All this "white hose are just for hire shops" is simply snobbery. Wear what you want and enjoy it. And sit back now and enjoy the hornet's nest you have stirred up amongst the opinionati (is that a word?)
I wonder if someone logged on to a men's fashion web site and asked for people's opinion about wearing white athletic socks with their tux to their next black tie dinner, if people would get into such a snit when other forum members advised against it.

Really, when people complain about others being "kilt police" or imposing their mere opinions on others, what I typically see is simply fashion advice. And like all fashion advice, some will be better than others, and you are free to take it or leave it. But that does not mean all fashion advice will be bad or without precedent.