Well, I guess we all have concerns about what we are "allowed" to wear. The thing about tartans is: There are "rules", but nobody is going to whack you if you like a certain tartan that has no relation to your family or whatever guides you have.

I have a friend who just bought a Harley. Leathers, gnarly looking vests - the whole bit. If you want to know what real tartan or color enforcement is, go out there and buy some patches that say what you are, what you think is cute, and where you are from (especially), put them on your vest, and ride around your town for a while. You will meet some really interesting folks who have an opinion about your "colors". Right or wrong, that's a fact.

So, don't feel too bad about liking a tartan you aren't "entitled" to wear. No one is going to smack you and rip your vest off of your body.

All said, I wear my family tartan and the universal ones. I would not wear a significant tartan I did not earn or otherwise "belong" to.