Quote Originally Posted by Cowher View Post
These reactions are interesting!

We talk about tartan, kilts (modern verses traditional) and what that means. We speak of rolled up sleeves, button down collars, a coat of arms and white hose.
Flame wars erupt. People get angry. Line are drawn and it gets rough.

People are very protective of Scottish highland dress. But deface a castle and we get "well it's his castle." or "I find it charming"..

I find this hilarious! I shall go back to work now for my lunch is over.

There is a practical side to all this that really renders the kilt analogy redundant.

The fact is that - as with many historic buildings - internally Kelburn is in a bad way. What the Earl of Glasgow has done is generate publicity, and therefore revenue.

It is all well and good to talk of dignity and respect for history. But when it comes to bricks and mortar, money trumps everything. Maybe the earl simply decided that it was the choice between trying something different and generating some much needed extra cash, or maintaining the building's outward integrity whilst through lack of investment watching it slowly but surely collapse from the inside out.