My family and I are considering some hiking this fall and I think I've boiled it down to two or three possible choices for a hiking kilt. Now I need the rabbles help in deciding.

1. MOD replica from WPG - pros: wool, sturdy. cons: heavy, hot, high military waist restricting my pack
2. Stillwater Heavyweight - pros: wool, cost. Cons: fuzzy wool attracts brambles, weight, hot
3. Sportkilt Hiker - pros: very lightweight, quick drying. Cons: no clue about fire resistance, price is high, and the thing is ugly.

Seeing as I am considering two kilts, the other option is to buy 1 each of the hiker and stillwater, wear the hiker during the hike, switch to the swk when setting camp so I can wash and dry the thing for day 2.

Keep in mind this is Florida. In the fall we might get some cool weather in the morning but even in the fall its pretty warm by afternoon