I am taking a politics course this semester, and we have been definitely pouring over the events that took place.

I know this may be somewhat "controversial" for this forum, but my hopes is that in the same way we have (as a community) dealt with the wake of other tragedies in the last year or so, perhaps as a community we can take the time to reflect and see where in our own lives are areas we need to change to be better citizens, or to be more kind and loving to our fellow humankind, etc.

I was 14 years of age at the time, but I remember it vividly. And I think as a whole, the globe has taken what was meant for evil and stood in opposition, becoming better in spite of it.

I am not seeking any religious/political jargon, or feelings about conspiracy, blah, blah, blah. I mostly want to see how your guys' initial feelings may have been, and how you have changed (hopefully for the better) since the events. Also, it would be neat to get initial reactions from those not living in the U.S.; I have not heard many testimonies from those across the pond.

***Also! I wanted to see, have there been any memorial tartans drawn up that I am unaware of? Or other such things?