Hamish beat me to it -- his smiling face popped up just as I was thinking it was time I showed mine, and the big welcome he received made me quite jealous!

Now I see there's another Martin on the list, so it really is time for me to sign on,(after lurking for a while).

Wild Bill, I enjoyed reading your enthusiastic account of the spread of kilt sales, but I think you may be just a wee bit too optimistic. The number of kilts sold does not correspond to the number of wearers, since a large proportion go to the same place -- Storrington !

Canuck, you are dancing in the wrong place; ALL the country dancers here have kilts and wear them (did you know the French had taken to SCD?).

I have not contributed anything recently either to Tom's or here, as there does not seem to be much to say about kilt-wearing -- no-one has attacked me in the street or even lifted my hem. I guess people around here are getting used to the idea that there's a weird Scot in their midst.

If you want to know any more, look at:

Martin,in Grenoble, France.