Quote Originally Posted by eclarkhb View Post
Had an awesome practice today with the OC Highlanders so I thought I'd share:


Throwing Practice with OC Highlanders

Open Stone

8x Standing Throws
5x Reverses
12x Full Spin Throws

15x Throws

HWFD (56#)
5x Throws

Light Scottish Hammer
12x Throws

Great practice today! This was the first time I've been able to make it to a practice in a few months, due to my kid's soccer schedule. I was a little sore from the 20-rep squats on Friday, and it really showed today. After the practice, I'm exhausted & very sore! Going to eat & watch football for the rest of the day so I can recover!

Open Stone throws were mid 30's, a bit disappointing. The LWFD is coming along nicely, I was consistently around 48-49'. 47 is my current PR, so that's great. For HWFD I threw the 56# weight for the 1st time. Damn, that was really hard. I threw it 18-19'. Needs lots of work for me to get comfortable with it. Hammer is improving the most. I was consistently throwing around 78' today, my current PR is 67'.

I'm really expecting some big improvements between now & Long Beach Games in February!
Looking at a 10+foot improvment in hammer? NICE!!

Yeah, big difference between 56 HWFD and 42 HWFD, huh?