Nice job on the deadlift Alan!!

Quote Originally Posted by Alan H View Post
ecklarkb ... try some incline bench. Most of the throwers guys and also Adriane Blewitt...who ought to know, considering.... tell me that incline crosses over to throwing better than flat bench.

Your squats are big. Not HUGE but big, plenty big enough to throw far. As a very general goal, maybe gun for a 5-8% increase in weights across the board in your lifts and THROW A LOT.
I might try some incline next year, but I really want to bench 315, so I'm going to keep bench as a main lift until I do. I'm soooo close....

Yep, I plan on throwing a lot - as much as I can. I have a park where I can throw less than 100 yards from my house. So there's no excuses, I should be throwing several times a week if I'm healthy. But for the next 4 months, my goal is to get stronger (in terms of 1RM). After that (during season I guess) I plan to tailor the workouts around the throwing.