All Creatures Great and Small - Scottish Country Dancing episode...
My wife has just completed watching the entire series of All Creatures Great and Small, it's a 70's-era television series about the life and stories of James Herriot in WW2 England (in the fictional town of Darrowby, but filmed in North Yorkshire). Some of the show's "fashion inaccuracies" throw me off a little (wrong shirt collars, beefy shoulderpads on tweed jackets, wide lapels, and other items easily overlooked in the 70's) but it's still a decent show.
There was an episode I recently watched with her where one of the main characters takes part in a Scottish dance festival. Jokes ensue such as "He's came down with a sudden case of Scottish Ancestry". I noted that the character in the show that is Scottish wore a full PC getup with "those dreadful ghillies" to a daytime event, and the English character in question was decked out in a fairly nice grey argyle with brown cap-toed oxfords.
Anyway, interesting episode... I enjoyed it.
*Note: It was the episode "Hail Caeser" S4 E5 with highlights from this Youtube vid
Have fun and throw far. In that order, too. - o1d_dude