Quote Originally Posted by Father Bill View Post
I knew an old security man in his 80s (!) who had disassembled all his clothes and then basted them back together lightly. You could grab him anywhere you wanted, but you didn't have him! Clip ons only for him!

Tough ol' bugger!
Reminiscent of the old 1980's-90's "tearaway" jerseys of the NFL (american football) worn by the running backs so that just grabbing their jersey would not give the defender a strong enough hold to bring down the runner, instead just tearing off a piece of the jersey leaving the runner still going. I vividly remember watching one game where Archie Manning went through 15 or more jerseys in one game playing for the Cincinnati Bengals. Eventually outlawed in football and instead replaced with extremely tight form fitting elastic jerseys.

But an excellent idea for anyone who does not wish to have their clothing used against them in an altercation. Brilliant!