So, I know of the rattle snake, are they common and widespread over there? Are there any others to watch out for? What makes a snake proof boot?
Heh, yes, poisonous snakes are pretty common here. In my area of Texas we have a multitude of them, though the most common ones are the Western Diamondback Rattlesnake, the Copperhead, the Coral Snake, and the Cottonmouth (a water moccasin).

I've killed my share of rattlesnakes, even in such uncomfortable settings as my front porch! Never been bitten, though I had a step-brother when I was a kid who had been bitten on both legs and nearly died from it. The small town I grew up in had an annual "rattlesnake roundup" where local ranchers would compete to see who could catch the most (or the largest) rattlesnakes. They would bring them in by the thousands.

I don't wear certified "snake-proof" boots when hunting, but I do make sure to wear tall thick leather boots with a steel toe, for the same effect. Coming into contact with snakes here (usually outside the city, but not always) is common enough that everyone takes precautions.

For hiking, though, I usually don't wear such heavy boots as long as I'm going to be sticking to trails. But I do make sure I'm carrying a good hiking staff just in case. You never know, though... a snake could always be curled up under the next rock I'm stepping on.