When I show up (someday) at Jock Scot's door kilted and balmoraled in my finest tweeds, hose and well polished brogues, bearing a new bottle of fine single malt, I bet I will be invited in and welcomed wholly and without resentment, despite the fact that I will be, as a 13th generation American of multinational heritage, "playing scot".

Every one has their own ideas and feelings and for their own often inexplicable reasons, but just because one cannot specifically explain them does not in any way invalidate them or diminish their importance, to that person and those around them. Jock's opinions are developed from the experiences of his long and probably interesting life, and should be savored for that alone without judgement or valuation or argument. Whether or not I agree with Jock's opinions, whether or not I may abide by his suggestions, will be based on my own experiences in my not quite as long and likely far less interesting life. But we should still be able to sit down together (literally or electronically), talk about it or other things, and be friends, and, (someday I promise Jock) share that fresh bottle of fine single malt, regardless of our "differences". I also promise to not wear a flat cap to your place, too, in sincere consideration.
