Quote Originally Posted by Joshua View Post
Helped a friend move during a fast yesterday. Amazingly enough, feel great this morning although I did have to sleep in a little. I was a little woozy after breaking down and packing furniture into my truck with just the fuel on my torso. Today's weigh-in was 2lbs less than yesterday, so I guess I did alright.

Art DeVany talks about fasted workouts producing growth hormone, don't know how valid this is but I trust ol' Art - he's a smart guy.

There is some really interesting new research regarding fasting and it's effects on weight loss, health and even strength and muscle hypertrophy and all of it's very positive.

On Martin Berkhead's site, www.leangains.com, he has some really interesting articles that debunk the whole idea of several small meals a day and breakfast being the most important meal of the day.

Some of the current research suggests 2-3 meals a day(intermittant fasting), at most, may have much more positive effects for fighting cancer cell growth and that several small meals might feed cancer cells and increase the risk of mutation to a malignant growth. On the weight loss front, newer research is suggesting fewer daily meals and may blunt hunger better, control blood sugar more efficiency and promote nutrient partitioning better than the frequent meal plan.