I recently received a wool economy kilt from stillwater. They just started offering these. Pressing out the wrinkles was no problem considering that it's wool, but I noticed afterward that where steam hit it in some places that it caused almost a shadow effect. I of course pressed from the inside of the kilt, didn't use outrageous heat, and made sure everything was clean. The only thing I can think of is that it may be left over oils in the wool that was not cleaned properly. Maybe a reaction with the dyes used? It's really not easily noticed, but I know it's there. Other than that I'm very happy with the kilt for the price I paid. Another great knock-around at the least. I just wanted to see if anyone has seen this before. I tried to take pics, but it's so barely there that it doesn't show on film. You have to look very hard in just the right lighting to see it. I didn't notice it until I was under very bright lighting, and even then my wife didn't notice until I pointed it out.