Re: Off-season training
Haven't been able to get out and throw due to inclement weather but I lifted.
The Bear:
1x8x65 (warmup)
17" Snatch Grip Dead & Shrug: (Height of bar is 17" from deck, i.e. 3" below kneecap)
2x5x295-302.5 (misload - it happens)
Incline Pin Press:
1x10x45 (bottom position)
3x3x95-135-155 (bottom position)
2x5x210-215 (middle position) (add weight next time)
Core Blaster:
1x10x72.5 (add weight next time)
Hanging Knee Raise:
Short Range Chin Up:
Dan John Power Curl:
2x2-3-5-10x75 (40 reps total)
1x2-3-5x75 (10 reps total)
Good Morning:
...and for GGGP, the playlist.
Playlist: Lifting Music III
Woke Up This Morning - A3 (Last Train To Mashville album)
Stranglehold - Ted Nugent (Happy Defiance Day album)
Baddass - Black Robot
Soap On A Rope - Chickenfoot
The Red & The Black - Blue Oyster Cult
Rock Of Ages - Def Lepard
War Pigs - Faith No More
Kickstart My Heart - Motley Crue
Addicted To That Rush - Mr. Big
Snortin' Whiskey - Pat Travers
Bop City - Shotgun Messiah
Spoonman - Soundgarden
Icky Thump - White Strypes
Woke Up This Morning - A3 (Exile On Coldharbour Lane album)

Gratuitous throwing implement picture with Core Blaster in lower right corner.
'As a trainer my objective is not make you a version of me. My objective is to make you better than me.' - Paul Sharp