Re: Census poll: What is your cultural / historical connection to the kilt?
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Thanks Johnny! Cool about the counties. Would love to go to Scandinavia someday but hear it is quite expensive. Perhaps when I have an opprtunity to visit the British Isles. One of my other family names was Bentsen, and I think it is they who had a farm there. Does the name Guldbrand have a translation? It seems like it is an older name?
Guld is old norwegian for gold. I think the guldbrandsen surname has german origins, but I'm not 100% sure.
Norse/Norn: [B]"Með lögum skal land byggja en með ólögum eyða".[/B]
Norwegian: "Med lov skal land bygges og med ulov ødelegges".
British: "with law shall land be built and with bad laws be destroyed".