A hundred and forty dollars for a pair of socks.

Guys, I understand value and fit and all that. I also understand how much work it takes to make such a pair of socks. I have no doubt that these socks are a hundred and forty dollars worth of labor and materials. But you, perfectly straight-faced (I assume) just told someone to spend a hundred and forty dollars for a pair of socks.

We have...how to say this.... a very different perspective on things. Now, if Joshua just really, really wants patterned or diced socks and damn the price, then probably that's what he has to pay. I, personally can not for the life of me see the point in spending a hundred and forty dollars for a pair of socks, and would never do it. They're SOCKS..

...socks, guys.... socks. They wear out in the heels rather quickly, you know? At least mine do.

Hey, like I said, a different perspective, different values. Just thought I'd present mine.