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  1. #32
    Join Date
    13th September 04
    California, USA
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    Re: hose resources for "calves of substance"

    Quote Originally Posted by M. A. C. Newsome View Post
    No, I don't think they are being silly or making a mistake, not in regards to how to spend their money, in any case. I will admit that I have seen some outfits being worn (and I'm speaking in general, not particularly on this forum) that do look rather silly, in my opinion. There are some things being sold as "Highland dress" that truly more in the realm of cheap costume than any form of clothing. I don't like to see things that in my mind belittle the Scottish culture or heritage.

    But I don't think that is what you are referring to. I think what you refer to is the person who maybe pulls down six figures a year and attends a few black tie dinners in his kilt every now and then; and is perfectly content with his $25 pair of navy blue kilt hose that he bought five years ago when he ordered his kilt. He simply does not see the need to buy expensive custom Argyle socks. He thinks others look nice wearing them. He just doesn't personally feel compelled to lay out that kind of cash for socks. I think that is perfectly fine.

    Thank you, Alan, for admitting that. That's all anyone can do, I think. Far be it for me or you or anyone else on this forum to decide what might be too expensive (or too cheap) for anyone else. We all have our own budgets. All we can do is make our personal recommendations, and let each buyer decide what they can or cannot afford (or what they want to spend).
    And thank you for clarifying that, Matt, not just for me, but so that everyone can see it. I think a number of people will sit up and take notice, that you think that it's perfectly fine for that fellow to wear his $25 hose. I'm glad to hear it.

    BTW, I don't pull down six figures, nor do I attend ANY black-tie events in a year. The closest thing to black-tie that I ever might attend is the Nor Cal Rabble Burns Night, and that's just "black tie" because some guys happen to own it. However, everyone is welcome to attend wearing whatever they have.

    I'm entirely serious about this.. I NEVER attend anything that is "black tie". Ever. I know guys who do and the events they attend are things like the Saint Andrews Society annual ball.... not something that's really my cup of tea. Outside of that; the Saint Andrews Society Ball and the Caledonian Society annual Tartan Ball....and Opening Night at the Symphony and the Opera, and the Symphony's Viennese Ball, I'm not even AWARE of any black-tie events in the San Francisco Bay Area. I'm dead serious. I'm sure they're out there, I just have never heard of them.

    I don't go to Opening Night at the Symphony, either. When I go to the Symphony, I go to listen to the music, not to hang out with the local glitterati. ..and "white tie"? Except for Panache, I don't know anyone who even owns the kit for "white tie". I think maybe this is because I live in California, where the overall climate is just a whole lot less formal.
    Last edited by Alan H; 2nd February 12 at 04:42 PM.

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