Quote Originally Posted by Streetcar View Post
My stick is from Lollysmith's and I like it quite a bit. I was disappointed to find that the shaft was painted black, rather than a natural darkening from the wood or the curing process.
Quote Originally Posted by artificer View Post
BTW: I'd ALWAYS go oil finish over a poly, lacquer, or other coating. Oil penetrates and polymerizes giving a harder and better lasting finish.

Quote Originally Posted by Dale Seago View Post
BTW, I noticed that at http://misticshillelagh.tripod.com they use an oil finish for their "fighting sticks" selection.
On the "fighting sticks" page, it says the oiled sticks require ongoing care to maintain the finish. I assume this is under the premiss that they will get bashed around a lot and will need to be sanded, then re-oiled to avoid splinters. Some makers seem to prefer lacquer or varnish because of the high gloss finish, which is theoretically zero maintenance... unless it gets chipped, as it would from stick on stick contact.

I've noticed a correlation between varnish/lacquer and black paint on blackthorns. This finish gives the effect that Chas has mentioned and Streetcar bemoans. A certain stick maker I know is very annoyed with the black paint because it isn't traditional but customers have come to expect it...

I'm with Artificer though, I think a properly cured and oiled stick is probably more durable than a lacquered one. And I'm with Streetcar that the natural colour of an oiled blackthorn is quite lovely in all its imperfection.