It's the time in my graduate school cycle where my peers and I are anxiously awaiting word of our next duty assignments.

A little bit of background: My branch has been considered one of the Army's special operations branches for a number of years now (at least on the Active duty side of things), but has recently formed a new unit that supports the regular Army (conventional forces). As a result, the special operations aspect is now only a part of the branch and the unit has felt it necessary to put some very stringent measures in place for any personnel wishing to get assigned to the Brigade...and to differentiate it as an elite unit.

For the past week, I have been participating in a grueling series of physical, psychological, and intelligence tests to measure my suitability to return to this unit (previously assigned there from '05-08). Today was the culmination of the assessment program with a 12 mile forced march (carrying a 40 lb pack) in under 3 hours and then racing to shower and change into a clean uniform and go appear before the selection board.

I passed all the physical challenges and my psych eval (which was particularly grueling) and was informed after the board today that I apparently passed muster and have been accepted to serve, most likely as a Battalion Executive Officer, in the unit. I'm very excited to be returning "home" to Fort Bragg later this year.