When making kilts I find it easiest to put the creases in first, so I am working on just two layers of the fabric. With a heat reflecting surface on the ironing board the folds are really sharp.

Once creased I fold and secure the pleats, and as the fabric is already partly shaped it is easy to place them correctly.

As your plaid will have straight pleats, you can press the creases in on both sides all the way along.

Do press - as opposed to ironing. They are two different processes and should not be confused. Use 'Search' if you are not sure of the process.

I made a deliberate decision not to buy 'The Book' but to go with my own methods of working, just to maintain a tradition of 'boldly going', plus I am getting too old to be hammering in pleats through multiple layers of wool.

Divide and conquor still works.

Anne the Pleater :ootd: