After all the welcome backs have cleared, I would
like to say a tremendous Thank You to Hank.
I had no idea of how much time it took to try to keep up with
ALL the posts. I have always tried to read as many posts as I could.
But to be frank, if I got behind I would only read the ones I found
most interesting in full. If it were a subject that
I didn’t relate to that much I would skim the topic to get the gist of it and
move on.

While Hank has been away, I wanted to keep up with each post.
So at a minimum I spent at least 2 hours a day reading every post.
I really did not have too much time to post a response as I had to move
on to the next topic.

I am amazed and humbled by the amount of work it takes to keep up
this site. I am also very proud to be a member. You are a wonderful
group of folks, community, and band of brothers (& sisters).
I have been impressed for some time at the amount of respect you give to
each other. Yes, there have been the occasional temper bursts over the
months I’ve been here. That has been the exception rather that the rule and
I am glad to be a part of this forum.

In closing I just want to repeat to Hank a hearty Thank YOU for all
that you have done and are doing for us.