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  1. #1
    Join Date
    16th November 11
    Massachusetts, USA
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    Kilt #2: Murray of Atholl Ancient

    I still had a pretty good head of steam after finishing number one, and since I already had the tartan on hand I jumped right in. Pleated to the plain red stripe every half sett:

    Much better overall this time around; my pleats are by no means perfect but at a distance of a few feet the stripes are parallel and pretty evenly spaced, and I don't think there's anything that's going to leap out anyone who is not a kiltmaker or kilt obsessed. Very little of the skewing (I won't say none) that plagued my first, self-colored one. I came out about 1/8" large at the waist and dead even at the hips.

    It's easy to tend towards perfectionism among the very talented people here, but I got a nice reality check from several non-kilt people who looked at it and said "what are you talking about?!" when I pointed at a slightly off-centered stripe or slightly wandering line. It's always good to strive for perfection, but this only being kilt number 2 I don't mind falling a little bit short as long as I'm still pleased to wear the results.
    Last edited by usonian; 10th May 12 at 02:03 PM.

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