A gentleman who serves with me on a local museum board has always admired my kilts, but his wife always made a face when he suggested he would like to try one.

His wife finally gave in and I loaned him two of mine (a UK workman and and a USA semi-trad) to try out about a week ago. He sent me an email a few minutes wondering why he hadn't been wearing a kilt for years, as they are the most comfortable piece of clothing he has even worn, etc, (all that stuff we already know.)

We worked out a deal for the UK and he is now trying to sell a kidney to buy the USA semi-trad from me, as he wants to wear it to his company's Summer picnic. His wife has also decided that she likes the way he looks in a kilt and wants to buy more.

I told him about this site and expect to see him on here soon.

I love it when a plan comes together.