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  1. #21
    Join Date
    16th November 11
    Massachusetts, USA
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    I attached the top band - by happy coincidence, the sett lines up on both the apron and underapron! The underapron wound up with a different center stripe because of the ABAC tartan pattern and 12" repeat; to match the same stripe would have meant either a very skimpy or very huge deep pleat.

    And my studio now smells of wet wool; the kilt is pressed and almost ready for the home stretch, which I hope to finish before the long weekend is out.

    (Pardon the weird saturation/contrast; I used a panorama stitcher to get a full end-to-end shot and unfortunately it doesn't lock the exposure for each component shot. That's also why you can see some faintly diverging/ghosted lines in the tartan in a few places.)
    Last edited by usonian; 27th May 12 at 09:35 AM. Reason: (note about exposure)

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