Well, we are back from the Greenville (SC) Highland Games which were this past Saturday, and I have to say it was a wonderful event. It was as hot as we expect these Games to be, of course, but I have to say everyone seemed to be having a great time. The attendance seemed high, and if the traffic and sales at the STM tent are anything to do by, we were twice as busy as we have been the past couple of years, so it looks like things are going strong with these games.

I ran into a couple of X Markers there, of course, and had to snap a few pictures. Sorry I didn't have the presence of mind to hand the camera to someone else, so I am not actually in any of these photos.

We had a morning visit to the STM tent by MacMillan of Rathdown, who not only had official duties with the Games, but also with his clan society. So he was a busy fellow that day, which makes it doubly nice that he found time to stop and chit-chat with us.

He was wearing the Kingussie pleated MacMillan Htg reproduction colors kilt I made for him. This one is a 5 yarder, and I was super complimented when he told me it was the most comfortable kilt he owned! So I asked him to show off the pleats for us.

A bit later in the day, I saw this familiar mug walking up to the tent.

Alan_H had flown out all the way from California to compete in the athletic events, so it was quite nice to see him. We had a great chat, but soon we were distracted by this mythical creature (who seems to somehow be present at almost all US Highland Games these days).

Anyone else who has photos from this event, please feel free to post them here!