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  1. #10
    Join Date
    25th January 11
    Winfield, MO (originally from NE Scotland)
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    Quote Originally Posted by CameronCat View Post
    Hi all,

    It's not uncommon here to read a post about somebody attending a car show or working on a car, kilted or otherwise. Some members have car pics for avatars, too. It's plain there are motorheads and hobbyists around here, so I thought I'd raise the topic.

    Post a pic or two of your project, vintage, antique, racing or special interest car(s). I'm not into motorcycles but they're welcome too, under the same rules.

    Here's mine; whats in your garage?

    That's "Susannah" (red) and "Tigger" improving the look of our front yard. We've had the Mini since 2000 but just got the MGA Mk II in March. Neither is a show car but both are reliable drivers and in good-to-very good condition. Both could be in daily use if they had to be.

    The A needs some small things fixed but nothing essential. Surprisingly, at 6' 3", I fit better in the Mini than in the A, (but some of that will be cured with a smaller diameter steering wheel.)

    Drive on!

    Just ship the mini to me when you get bored with it...

    My first car was a 75 mini 1000 being 6'2" and using it as a daily driver, I can confirm that mr issigonis did a prettty good job of making it a 4 adult car...

    Current daily driver is a 2001 Mitsubishi eclipse spyder that I picked up 15 months ago with only 7200 miles on the clock, previously owned by a little old lady who only drove it on sunny days... No really... Currently has just over 30k on the clock though...

    Sadly as am engineer I should remember that water is to all intents and purposes an incompressable fluid... Especially when it gets sucked into the engine of this which it replaced...

    Last edited by madmacs; 1st June 12 at 04:06 AM.

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