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  1. #1
    Join Date
    25th September 11
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    Nice to be enjoying a beer when....

    We have all had these moments and they are nice. I hope this has not been covered by other threads but Ill give this a shot and throw this out. Share your moments when you are sitting there alone or with others and someone comes up to you because you are kilted.

    Ill start because it happened this eve when I was picking up a growler of beer and enjoying one at the bar of our local brewpub. I was quite casual in blue T-shirt, 8 inch Wolverine work boots, calf high dark blue socks, Weathered MacKenzie from SWK, brown leather belt and silver Leadville buckle and MoJo leather Rob Roy. A gent a bit older than I, in shorts, button down shirt and broad hat came and asked my tartan. We talked a bit and he said he and his wife were of Scottish heritage and they were sitting with a couple of German heritage. He complimented me on wearing a kilt and we talked a bit about Scotland, he has never been there. I explained I was Texas German but enjoy the kilt. He smiled and said you wear it well and I stated I wear it with deep respect for the heritage. As they left his lovely wife stopped and patted my shoulder and said "hello cousin I do love the kilt". She complimented me on wearing it and thanked me a couple of times. She was very lovely and I thanked her for her compliments.. That has made my night quite nice. Now I have my growler of beer, my girlfriend coming over and about 150LBs of fresh cabbage await to be made into kraut. It is always nice to be in a pub, kilted, and have some very nice people compliment you and enjoy the fact you are kilted.

    Ok your turn... share stories.
    Last edited by brewerpaul; 3rd June 12 at 05:10 PM.
    "Greater understanding properly leads to an increasing sense of responsibility, and not to arrogance."


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