X Marks the Scot - An on-line community of kilt wearers.
28th July 12, 04:23 PM
Originally Posted by Kilted Cole
Okay! I've got it!
The answer is!.....
It is, indeed. But - what is the ultimate question again?
This thread was fun to read. Some have very deep feelings for their tartan and the kilt, some just wear it as fashionable or fun clothing. Since any lineage I might have to the highlands is misty at best I won't pretend to be proud to wear a kilt. On the other hand, when I was a young lad I saw my first piper band in Amsterdam (flown in from Scotland, I don't think we had any professional pipers in the Netherlands then) and when I saw them wearing kilts I promised myself I'd wear one someday; well, it's been 25 years but I kept my promise. And it's every bit as nice to wear as I imagined. I'll wear my kilt(s) with the respect it deserves, just as I would when wearing any other attire with a long history. But I can still enjoy it, yes?
If there's one thing I love it's freedom. I feel free when fly fishing, when snowboarding, when scubadiving, when parachuting, when RC soaring and I just know wearing a kilt will give me a comparable sense of freedom. Just my $0.02
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