Hell-o all my kilt loving friends,

I love going downtown at lunchtime, not only do you get extra samples of goodies being passed out because you are wearing a kilt, but because of all the positive thumbs up comments you can get. Today was no exception I was standing on the corner waiting to cross when this car with two twenty something young ladies came by and both in unison said "cool". They turned the corner and I was able to cross, then I heard the sound of metal hitting metal. I looked around and what did I see but the car with the two young ladies in it smashed into another auto, and definetly at fault. Being the gentleman I am I went to go see if they were OK. They were fine, shaken but fine. They told me that I was just too sexy for them to concentrate on where they were going, they kept looking at me and driving. I stayed with them until the police arrived, it was a strange but positive experience. All in a day of kilting.