Unidirectional versus bidirectionsal pleats.
After wearing Rocky casuals for a few weeks in the heat and switching to a Utilikilt Mocker for a change I am really noticing the lack of waggle in the UK. Part is due to being cotton/poly I am sure. But I think the fact that the pleats reverse at center rear with the inverse box pleat is interrupting the "wave action" across the back. Am I on the right track - opinions?
Last edited by tundramanq; 5th August 12 at 01:08 PM.
Reason: corrected denim to C/P on the Mocker
slàinte mhath, Chuck
Originally Posted by MeghanWalker,In answer to Goodgirlgoneplaids challenge:
"My sporran is bigger and hairier than your sporran"
Pants is only a present tense verb here. I once panted, but it's all cool now.