You are indeed one cleaver fellow Harold! Well done.

On a practical note-----I am not trying to be a smart Alec-------you may find that the Turks head(leather collar) will hamper you when you use the cromach, as it sticks out a tad and will catch the hand.

Let me try and explain. The horn top is not the only bit that one uses with the cromach to hang on to, when one walks we usually find it more comfortable to grasp the shaft(the cromach is too long, usually, to grasp the handle comfortably all the time) at about the place of the turks head. Added to which you will develop a "light grip" where the shaft moves up and down through the hand as you walk and you will possibly---OK, will--- find that the collar will be slap bang in the wrong place. OK a detail that might not worry you if you are not a regular user of your masterpiece, but as a regular user of a cromach I would find a raised collar very annoying.

Oh and if you are looking for something to do at any time, you could always make me a cromach!