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  1. #1
    Join Date
    3rd June 09
    Aberdeen NJ
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    Need assistance, Please

    Hello, My Nephew and Niece live in California. They have a school project going on to see who can get the Hello, My Nephew and Niece live in California. They have a school project going on to see who can get the most postcards from different states around the country, and countries around the world. My request is if some of you would find it in your kind hearts to send a postcard to my Niece and Nephew to help them out

    Delany & Ethan Lockhart
    186 Woodview Terrace Drive
    San Ramon, CA 94582
    Doesn't have to say much something like "hello from (insert state name)"

    I would greatly appreciate any help I can get from you all, and I thank you kindly in advanced.

    Last edited by KWD; 1st September 12 at 12:55 PM.


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