This isn't exactly directly Kilt-related but I've been noticing a preponderance of guys wearing tartan knee length shorts this summer. I'm not sure if this is new this year or was also seen last year (since I wasn't wearing a kilt last summer, I may not have noticed).

Anyway, I see a lot of tartan-like shorts. Many are light colours and dark lines but some are darker tartans of different colours (like green and black).

I wonder if this is part of some subliminal cultural gravitating towards kilts which hasn't quite yet manifested beyond the knee-length shorts stage.

Sometimes I see some guy in these tartan shorts that are baggy and just think "he's so close to kiltedness ... just needs to cut that middle divider cloth out".

Anyway, just a modern trend I've noticed and wonder what it means. Perhaps it is a precursor to some sudden cultural explosion of kilt wearing (perhaps this is what all these ideas of 2012 and the Mayan Calender are all about? hmmm?). I'm not Nostradamus but I predict that after December 21, 2012, men will be walking out kilted in droves!