After our time at the Longs Peak games in Estes Park Colorado, Connie and I took advantage of the opportunity to tour the beautiful Rocky Mountain National Park. We combined car touring the first day with a 4 mile round trip hike the second day. Here is the requisite "Me in my kilt" photo to get things started, Connie thought the Fall colors set off the weathered tartan very nicely!

There are numerous pull outs along the road to allow tourist like us the opportunity to photograph the splendor:

The top of the route between Estes Park and Grand Lake, on the other side of the range, sits at aprox. 12,100 Ft above sea level (well over two miles). From that point there is a paved trail up to the top of the mountain which provides access to various rock out cropings like these, formed when the softer lower rock is eroded below the upper rock:

Up on top of another outcropping is this bronze plaque type deal that has the specific altitude at this very point 12,340 ft (I think) with raised lines on the perimiter indicating the direction and elevation of other peaks viewable in the area and in neighboring states.

A bit breezy up there it was, though no match for 8 yrds of 16oz wool !!

More to come!....