As the competitive throwing season has ended for me I may as well start a new thread that documents my preparations for the the Masters World Championship in Albuquerque, New Mexico next spring.

Nov 1, 2012

Day 21 of the 40 Day Even Easier Strength Program

Warm up
1x5x22.5 Goblet Squats
3x15x16K KB Swings
1x6 Half Turkish Get Ups
Bench Press
Snatch Grip Rack Pulls (Mid Knee Cap)
Back Squat
Waiter Walk
1x16K KB left hand up and down the driveway
1x16K KB right hand up and down the driveway
Ab Wheelies

I've made an interesting observation about the Even Easier Strength program. Strength is coming along and working out technique issues using the Mark Rippetoe "Starting Strength" e-book has been very helpful. The biggest surprise has been changes in my physical appearance. I've gained a couple of pounds but I've lost an inch or so off my waist! At my age I hardly expected to see any hypertrophy but lo and behold, there it is. Go figure.

Tomorrow is another 2x5 day.