Planning a 30 Anniversary Trip
Hello Gentlemen (and Ladies),
I'm in the beginning stages of planning a 30th anniversary trip for me and the Mr.
Luckily he loves Scotland as much as I do, so that is where we're going (mostly.)
We've been once before - stayed in Edinburgh. Loved it. Looking forward to going back.
Here's what we've come up with for a tentative itinerary.
I know trips are hugely personal, and tastes are subjective, but if anyone has any suggestions or observations of glaring omissions, I'm open to hearing feedback.
This is the route: Glasgow > Skye > Inverness > Aberdeen (and/or Dundee) > Edinburgh > London.
Total trip is about 3 weeks. (mid May - early June)
All transport is via rail (except of course for flights to and from UK, and Ferry to Skye - Mallaig to Armadale.)
Day trips based from major stopping points TBD, although current themes (in no particular order) are: Mackintosh (Architecture), nature walks, sailing, castle visits, whiskey, genealogy, shopping, friends (London), and the travel itself!
From what I can tell we'll be too early for any Highland Games, but if someone knows of something within the time I mentioned above, please let me know.
Apartments for longer base stays (Glasgow, Edinburgh, London.) Hotels for the jumps.
Lastly, ( and I know this has been brought up before, but here it is,) An American on vacation in Scotland - Kilted? Yay or nay? Discuss.
I'm not too worried about what others will think of me, but I'm curious to hear from those with more experience in this matter.
Thanks in advance for your input!
Last edited by RAF; 7th November 12 at 08:15 AM.
"Guests, like fish, begin to smell after three days." Benjamin Franklin