We will remember them.

Thank you to all of our veterans and their families, wherever you may now be, for the freedoms we enjoy today. Your sacrifices are remembered.

Also, thanks to Steve Ashton for the posting of the video 'A Pittance of Time'. I'd never heard this before, but upon reading the description under the video of why it was written I was left shaking my head. It is a shame you couldn't Shanghai the idiot to some parade ground in Afghanistan to talk his way through the two minutes surrounded by those who are involved in our modern day 'theatre of conflicts'. A good buttstroking might knock some sense into him. I can only hope his child knew enough to be ashamed of him. Ok, rant over, just had to be said. I attended the cenotaph in my hometown and am happy to say that at 11:00 the two minutes were indeed silent and in the past , when I have worked on Remembrance Day the plant has stopped production , turned off radios and observed the 'pittance of time'.