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  1. #11
    M. A. C. Newsome is offline

    Contributing Tartan Historian
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    26th January 05
    Western NC
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    A lot of the answers posted here have been more about the individual's opinion about fly plaids in general. The question asked is whether it is appropriate, in a formal setting, to wear a fly plaid with a four yard box pleated kilt. I say yes it is.

    Assuming the person wants to wear a fly plaid at all, I think we all can agree that fly plaids are more suited to formal, rather than casual, occasions.

    How many yards are in the kilt, how the kilt is pleated, whether the tartan is ancient or modern colors, or the kilt has a fringe on the apron or not -- none of these accidental details has anything to do with whether or not one might wear a fly plaid.

    The whole issue of anachronism is a non-starter. So what if the four yard box pleated kilt is a revival of an early nineteenth century style? I would assume that the individual in question is wearing it in the context of modern Highland attire, not as an early 1800's re-enactor. So a modern fly plaid would be just as appropriate as the modern kilt hose, modern shoes, modern sporran, modern doublet, modern shirt, and modern bow tie that he's also wearing.

    In short, you can wear a four yard box pleated kilt to any occasion, and with any accessory, as you would an eight yard knife pleated kilt. The only deciding factor is personal taste and preference.
    Last edited by M. A. C. Newsome; 13th November 12 at 05:40 AM.


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