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Thread: Suet puddings?

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  1. #25
    Join Date
    27th October 09
    Kerrville, Texas
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    I spent most of yesterday in the kitchen.

    I made the Nigella Lawson Christmas pudding posted earlier (thanks for posting that, Usonian!). I can't wait to see how it turned out! It sucks that I have to wait until Christmas - and risk disappointment on the big day - to taste it, although I rather tend to think it's going to be spectacular. I had to make a few substitutions since I didn't want to make the 60-mile round trip drive to a decent grocery store for specialty ingredients. So rather than using currants, sultanas, and prunes, I instead used craisins, golden raisins, and figs (the latter being cut up into small pieces). The craisins (dried cranberries for those of you not familiar with the term) bled a lot of red colour into the batter from the soaking in sherry, which will make it interesting and festive. I couldn't find Pedro Ximenez sherry, and she wasn't very descriptive in her recipe as to what type of sherry it is, so I used Taylor golden sherry.

    This was my first time using real suet as opposed to shortening. I had bought some chunks of it from the butcher, and kept it frozen. I tried grating it by hand, which didn't work at all. So I put the blocks in my handy-dandy "salad shooter" (which is very useful for grating cheese), and it worked quite well, although it was a bit messy. It tended to want to gum up the grating holes, but I made it work. And I went ahead and hand-grated cinnamon sticks instead of using cinnamon powder, which makes quite a difference.

    For steaming it, I placed a small wire rack in the bottom of a large pot, then put my batter into a 1.5-liter Pyrex bowl. I greased and wrapped aluminum foil tightly over the top and placed a metal lid over that for protection, then covered it all with the large lid over the pot. Steamed it for the whole 5 hours as instructed, keeping the water level about 1/2-way up the side of the bowl. The pudding expanded a bit inside, filling up the void space perfectly so that it was touching the aluminum foil but not straining it. After it cooled, I wiped the white mineral deposits off the outside of the bowl so I could see through the glass, and the pudding looks wonderful inside. Nice and moist with just the right size voids in it. I'm not even going to unwrap the foil from the top until after the 2nd steaming on Christmas Day. Since this is Texas and we don't have holly growing here, I'll garnish it with agarita, which grows abundantly on my land.

    I made the Black Bun while the pudding was steaming. Again, I had to make substitutions. Rather than raisins and currants, I used raisins and golden raisins. So maybe I'll call this version a "Black-and-Tan Bun". And once again, I had to use a lot more liquid than the recipe called for. I kept splashing brandy and milk in there until it was the proper moisture consistency. I had forgotten how heavy and dense this thing is; it feels like a large brick!
    Last edited by Tobus; 3rd December 12 at 07:36 AM.


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