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  1. #1
    Join Date
    28th June 12
    York, PA, USA
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    Backpacking In A Belted Plaid - A Question Revisited

    Hello Rabble. I must admit that I've grown increasingly fond of the belted plaid/great kilt because of its great versatility; so much so, that I have ordered one which I hope may be used when backpacking/camping. I did a search on here to see if this topic had been discussed before, which yielded a thread with great points made regarding this idea.


    There were some points made regarding less-than-ideal situations one might encounter when attempting this: fabric in the rear being uncomfortable or interfering with the backpack waist strap, and rain-soaked wool causing hypothermia if it becomes wet and not dried. These were good points I had not thought of when I conceived this idea. However, I did some thinking for solutions to these scenarios and was wondering if anyone has thoughts regarding the plausibility of them.

    The first is bunched-up-fabric issue. Would it be possible to box pleat a great kilt instead if knife pleating it? This seems like it would eliminate any edges against the back and keep the bulk laying flat, possibly allowing a proper fit of the hip belt/support of the backpack while providing wearer comfort. A second step to this would be to use paracord or rope to secure the plaid instead of a belt, having it tied above or below the backpack hip support. Alternatively, a thin, flat nylon belt which secures by Velcro might work too. Woolsheal's ruck-sack idea is good too.

    The next possible solution is aimed at the issues of a wet wool kilt. The wool tartan I ordered for my great kilt is of the House of Edgar Nevis line, which is treated with Teflon (PTFE). This should, in theory, repel water and therefore keep the kilt dry. Has anyone had experience with the HoE Nevis line? Does it work well at doing this, or does it have its limitations? An alternative/addition to this fabric could be a lightweight iverness cape, perhaps made of a waterproof nylon.

    What are your thoughts on these things? My aim is to pack lightly and the great kilt seems to fit the bill, since it's a blanket and kilt all in one.

    Last edited by Clockwork; 9th December 12 at 11:41 AM. Reason: typo

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