Quote Originally Posted by Woodsheal View Post
I reiterate my point from the other thread, in terms of a pack. Or, if it's just an over-nighter go 18th C. highlander style: carry your meager rations in a haversack and the "pockets" of your plaid.
I agree with Brian. First, if you're going to wear a belted plaid to backpack and camp in, go the full measure and do it "authentically" with minimal gear. Less gear and less weight will virtually eliminate the problem associated with extra fabric in the rear. Carry a haversack for food, and a small snapsack or single-strap knapsack to carry your cooking and eating gear. My "mess kit" consists of a small pot (less than two cups), a spoon, and a metal cup. I heat water for tea in the cup, fix my meal in the pot and eat it out of the pot with my spoon. I carry a spare shirt and pair of hose which I use to sleep in which avoids the problem of sweat from wearing during the day making me chilled at night.

Personally, I either go "period" or "modern" when I backpack/camp. However, I find that I take less junk along when I go period.